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S3 licensed
I had a AMD Sempron 3700 Single Core with only 1 GB of RAM and a AGP

Grafix card some years ago, afair the grafix was named 3650, not 100 %

sure on that. This system was running LFS really nice and the only reason i

upgraded was it couldnt handle LFS on Full-HD with all Details on full. So,

if u really need it ONLY for LFS and games needing less than what LFS does:

get a cheap used fast single core and add a better grafix card. This will be ok

for you and a lot cheaper than what you are thinking about to buy now.

Greetings and fun to all PVL
S3 licensed
This evening on WCL demoserver. A guy using some speedhack,

working with some kind of "reversed" handbrake ( I was told by

a friend it works like this). You can easy see it at his throttle,

pushing and releasing the button on a high ratio. His licence name

is : pirtsparts
Last edited by P V L, .
S3 licensed
Airio system is watching about bad lagging afaik. If anyone is really ALWAYS

lagging like hell I will have to ban him as the last solution. Have fun, PVL.l
S3 licensed
Kick does not matter, you should still have the replay,

saved by LFS as temp.mpr as long you do not connect

to any server. Greets PVL
S3 licensed
Hm, not James overtook me, its Frenchy's account that did it. They drove

both on one account to get in front of me and get some mates in to only

crash me from first second of races, especially killing me in turn one with full

speed all time to destroy my races. If thats what you call good racing...

By the way, the language they use is really bad and fits perfect to their

driving skills. Frenchy has a PB ~ 2.5 seconds slower than mine, so he

really takes some cheap cheating moves to get pass me, he alone has no

chance. Just to give you a view from the other side. Greets P V L
S3 licensed
Come on James, you know exactly why I banned you from my server....

You can play your silly games on other servers with me, but on my OWN

server I will just not let destroy you my fun.
S3 licensed
I can not believe the Devs would take a real track that is so similiar to an

already in LFS existing one, pretty sure they would choose something new ,

same work but more applause by community.
S3 licensed
Running full HD (1920x1080) here on my 37" lcd-tv and it worked from

first second on, just took the DVI out on grafix to HDMI on tv.
S3 licensed
Quote from c00kie :
Wait...just to clarify, are you using the right button on the wheel or the right red button on the shifter? I use the right button on the wheel and the left button is horn.

I use the right red button on shifter, as I said before: Wheel buttons are

most needed and important for sideviews. My shifter is fixed more down and

nearby, so my thumb just falls onto this button.
S3 licensed
Quote from RasmusL :You guys using buttons on the wheel for something.. How do you look to the sides?

No, wheel buttons are for sideviews.

Most important in races and most needed.
S3 licensed
I am using the right red button, easy to get there with my thumb.
S3 licensed
Ok Frenchy, you had a longer ban and I lift it to give you a last chance.

But the only thing you did, like all the time, was to crash only me.

No matter what position I had, even when I was last you just were

going to destroy any fun for me, every race getting killed in turn 1 is not

really funny if you do this for days and days. Looking at your history I have

to see this as revenge to an admin and I see no reason to get annoyed for

just doing some admin work. You had your chances but looks like you

have not learned anything, talking to you on server was just a big waste of

time.About my ranking in the system, could it be I am in the lead because I

do really a lot of races ?
S3 licensed
I told all people including you to stop insults but you did not only this

sentence you wrote above but another one like "what does your mother

have in her mouth? " When I told you this will be a 3 days ban u said

"****" and I added 2 more days, thats all. I cannot know all kinds of

humour all over the world, so just keep in your mind most people will

take it as an offense, especially on this really annoying mom insults no

mercy will be shown from my side. Greets P V L

Btw, this thread has nothing to do with the FPRS demoserver,

its about my own S2 server.
S3 licensed
IMO it will be between XFG/XRG and TBO with its speed, not to

mention the limited setup options will slow down a bit too.

This could be ~ 1:15 to 1:18.
S3 licensed
@ Frenchy: You still missing the point.. If I would ban all people that hit me

server would be empty, a lot drivers like the challenge to get me out.

But you will never see me insulting anyone for getting crashed.

@ The Very End: Its allowed to do whatever you want with your car

just do NOT insult others. Most people get it , after getting kicked and

warned they stop, some learn it after a ban for some days. Frenchy was

not banned for his driving but insults, telling me a lie and really hard

swearing at me and the server in general when I talked to him.

@ EliteAti: Its the special kick on this server, you never know what happens

in the last turns, good or bad for your position.

@ all crashers: Would be helpful if some of you post here that I dont ban

people for ramming me, even I know I am the top target for a lot.
Last edited by P V L, .
S3 licensed
I have 2 replays to provide at least 2 insults of you, a couple of witnesses

that saw what you called me and the server when I talked to you about

what you did. Telling me a lie when I asked you was not helping, tbh.

And you don't have to insult personally to get a ban, its not better to

insult all others in general too. All others have get used to just not

insult/ swear at others, you are the only one causing problems not

just once but again and again. Even when you acted ONLY on me, no

matter I was last or far behind leader, which was really annoying,

I did not kick or ban you for that. Do whatever you want with your car

but do not insult is not to hard to follow imo. Greets PVL

Btw: Being in the top rankings is may be a result of doing a lot races and

not only going reverse to crash, which gets you no points.
S3 licensed
You were not banned for crashing but for insults. This was not your first ban,

had some before. Yesterday you insulted again at least 2 times after get

warned (2 replays saved). After the first insult I asked if you did it, got

a lie from you. When you came back after the second insult I just wanted

to tell you getting a ban for some days for both insults. But you started to

insult me personally hard and a couple of times, so it seems you have not

the will to behave and learn out of your mistakes. Greets PVL
S3 licensed
2 ways to do it imo, first would be 3 lines with 7 cars each,

second would be 4 lines with 6 cars each, giving space for

3 more cars in the future.
S3 licensed
Grats for your idea to buy S2 finally.

So you like to take an advice, try out some new tracks with

a well known car first, to many new stuff will make it harder.

Anyways, have fun for some years, greets P V L.
S3 licensed
If a driver only gets a kick when more than 50% see what he did

and vote it will never happen. So I can tell you my way to do this:

After I saw a driver crashing/ramming a couple of times I will just

join when someone else starts kick vote later. This means he will

may be not kicked for what he did right in that moment but for his

driving overall. Greets P V L
S3 licensed
Changed to GTR @ FE3, this should be ok for our speedfreaks as well.
S3 licensed
Track has now changed to a rallye layout on WE1 with XFG /XRG . :headbang:
S3 licensed
Ok Gents, after short race tests we found out FZ5 is tooo

hard to control in a crash race. :shock: So I will change

to UF1 @ BL2R, feels much better for fights. :headbang:
S3 licensed
Today changing to FZ5 @ BL2R. :headbang:

Good to control with TC, set low for slower drivers,

high or off for faster.
S3 licensed
Yep, long uphill races. :headbang:

Option to get cars collisions off, so all 32 can go

without crashing but see what position they have

and how to pass others, just go through them.

Had that on TOCA 3 afair.